Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Miller High Life

I'm back fellow beer drinkers! Sorry for the hiatus, but I've been on the Colorado River for two weeks, rafting, camping, and fearing for my life. The scenery was astonishing. The fact that the youngest rock at the very top of the rim is approximated at 300 million years old, while the stuff at the bottom is dated at 1.7 billion years old. Considering those numbers, it makes one feel pretty insignificant. 

Now since you are required to carry everything that you bring in the canyon back out, it's easiest to bring canned beer. After drinking them, you get to harness your inner caveman, and smash the can flat to make it easier to carry out. The biggest debate is which cheap domestic do you want to drink for the next two weeks. My choice was the Champagne of Beers, Miller High Life. Now while I do enjoy one every now and then, it isn't my top choice as you readers know. However, while you're sitting on a rock watching Hermit rapid the night before you go down it, or cracking a celebratory beer after surviving your first really big rapid, a High Life tastes damn good. Simple, refreshing, crisp, and leaves a little buzz. That's all you need to go with the massive adrenaline rushes.

Beermigos Rating: Contemplating the meaning of Life brew. While this rating is based mostly on the scenery and the trip itself, there really isn't anything that tastes as good as a beer after a long day of rafting and hiking.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Magic Hat: Summer Scene Variety 12 Pack

As I was rolling through the aisle of an alcohol emporium that I've discovered, called Binny's, I poked around in the beer section looking for something new and interesting (like I usually do). Upon my search I found this 12 pack that had an appealing cartoonish drawing on its side. As I delved further into this mystery I found this was 1. a beer company I had never heard of, 2. a variety pack with 4 of their summer seasonals and 3. obtained what looked to be very unique brews. My search was over.

Magic Hat is a brewery in South Burlington, Vermont. They are mostly in the Northeast and they distribute to Binny's some who does a good job of collecting beer from all over the country and world. Their goal is to establish themselves as a brewer of world-class beer and continually evolving brand of distinction. They also place a high value on having positive energy in the workplace because they feel that it has an effect on the quality of their brews. I thought I had discovered a new secret to pass on to my beermigos and brag about. I was pumped! However, when I boasted about my new finding to another beermigo he had already tasted their sweet delights and informed me that he had tried it before while in Washington D.C. two years back. DAMNIT...I thought. But wait just one second Douglas. It's just not the beermigo way to be angry at another beermigo for having tasted a delicious brew and thouroughly enjoying it. Shame on me I thought..no, good for my beermigo and good for me. Because now I could enjoy not only 1 but 4 of the brews that he had been so lucky to try before. And enjoy I did.

#9 Not-Quite-Pale-Ale: This beer is very much like the title. It tastes like a pale ale in a lot of ways, but it's not quite a pale ale. This beer is dry, crisp and refreshing but there's a hint of sweetness to it that's not normal with a pale ale. Some sort of gingersweet spicyness that is not overwhelming and adds a unique and awesome taste to it. This beer is very light, but because of that sweetness very flavorful too. It finishes real smooth and the last taste was just as good as the first.

Beermigos Rating: Dinner with the In-Laws - At 4.6% this beer accomplishes you being able to have a couple and not look like a drunkard in front of that special someone's parents. It's also a fairly high quality beer. The sweetness makes it still taste like a beer but not be too rough for the ladies. The unique flavor and title (not quite pale ale) will have the father impressed with your vast knowledge of different types and varieties of beer in the world. While doing all of this you'll be able to sit back, relax and enjoy a good beer becase you will have impressed the in-laws.

Lucky Kat: Lucky Kat is described as a mysterious beer that when you take a sip will bite back with a big hoppy kiss. I must say, I think these Magic Hat brewers know what they're talking about. This beer doesn't really fit into a specific type or category. It is incredibly sweet and very hoppy. It's hoppy and bitter taste make me want to say IPA but its sweetness just throws you off. With all that's going on in there it is still very smooth and has a definite clean and CRISP finish. The hops are very overpowering and this beer most certainly is.................mysterious.

Beermigos Rating: Debating the Meaning of Life with your Beermigos - This beer is very mysterious as I said. It's not the most complex beer I've had but it's still rises up many questions which is how a good discussion on the meaning of life begins. Just as you're trying to wrap your tongue around it you get smacked pack with a powerful-aftertaste-punch. Plus at 5.8%, it can easily put you in that right mindset for opening up with the deeper questions.

Wacko: This beer is fucking Wacko! It is described as a beet red summer beer. This is because an extra (and potent) ingredient they've chosen to put into this is beet sugar. So the beer has a beet red coloring as well as sweet flavor. Although I have to say, it doesn't ruin the beer. It is very malty with a subdued hop bite which is followed by a crisp sweet finish. It has a slight sour taste to it as well (odd). Ultimately though the beet sugar throws you a new one and keeps you guessing, as well as taking more sips just figure out this unique taste.

Beermigos Rating: I'm afraid this beer doesn't fit into our rating system. This beer really is fucking Wacko! It's not a Debating the Meaning of Life because it just stands out too much to allow clear thoughts of other more complex things. It's not an In-Laws because they could very easily be unimpressed with your odd selection. Too flavorful for a Throw-back or Ballgame brew. At 4.5% it's not very strong, but even though it has no category it is more than worth trying. Maybe a Onesy but it has a very uniqe taste that may not be enjoyed. This beer is just fucking Wacko!

Odd Notion Summer: This beer is a Belgian Blonde but not your typical Belgian Blonde. It is golden in color and has a nice buttery sweet taste to it. This is from the Belgian candy sugar that has been added. In many ways it's kind of like a sweet treat...that you want many of. It also has a noticeable spice to it that apparently comes from the unique Belgian yeast strand. It tastes light but it feels very filling after you've had one. Probably all the sugar and the 5.9% ABV. A few of these will knock you back. It's got a little bit of that hoppy bitterness and it just pretty damn refreshing. The aftertaste is where the true refreshment comes from. That is where all the flavors linger for a little bit, especially the slight spice. This beer is a delight.

Beermigos Rating: Onesy Brew- I thought about Debating the Maning of Life but I felt Onesy was better. This is a beer that should never be slammed down. It must be enjoyed slowly to appreciate it. I think this beer would fit right in at Sam Bond's. I envison myself sitting with my firends and fellow beermigos at a local establishment known for having fun but relaxing as well. Plus with the 5.9% after 3 or 4 of these you will be a little surprised/gleeful.

Magic Hat Brewery: Baller!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

New Belgium Lips of Faith Dandelion Ale

The other night, inspired by the power of camraderie, the celebration of graduation, and the sweet linger of a 21st Ammendment Brew Free or Die IPA ,courtesy of the Bier Stein, I entered the fourth bar in a long line of bars that would complete, and ultimately define my evening.

The night was Thursday, the bar was Davis' downtown and the man behind the magic was Brother Nikos. This man, having recently earned a minor in Business Administration had prepared for us a loose itinerary of after dinner casual entertainment as a rowdy, drunken testament to his various achievements over the past five years at the University of Oregon, the least of which were two excellently orchestrated "pub crawls" in 2007 and 2008. The pub crawl of 2009 was a culmination of research compiled and organized throughout the previous years and Nikos, Friday morning would defend his honors thesis on the topic.

The night began at Taylors, went west to the city center, looped down to the back quarter where I was left behind at Joggers playing pool with an Icelandic geologist. Eventually, the tour returned to Rennies via Burrito Boy and continued on down to the river for a nice, early morning stroll during which Nikos articulated eloquently the main points of the speech he would deliver later on that very same morning. By this point, I had lost my sense of direction, my ability to count, and vast array of basic motor functions. I had, however, gained confidence, courage, warmth, strength and the ability and desire to write on bathroom walls and tag t-shirts with a sharpie. These two critical skills, I believe, were a direct result of circumstancial contact with Dandelion Ale.

This ale, a recent addition to the New Belgium product line, offered perhaps the most interesting and unexpected surprise to my palate, sending sparks of flower power to dance with my tastebuds. I had wandered to the side of the bar to inspect the on-tap selection, and my eyes had naturally gravitated to the New Belguim label proudly displayed as the most accessible of beers. At first I mistook the label for that of the Skinny Dip Summer Seasonal Red and was slightly disappointed when I realized that my eyes were sufficently blurred so as to make reading difficult. This being said, my eyes soon opened wider than ever before, so inspired and excited was I to taste a new New Belgium. The only other time I had ever felt that way was last summer when first I touched my lips to those of the Mighty Arrow Pale Ale. My lips that night at Davis' however, did not qiuvver with the nervousness, the slight hesitation of a first kiss; no; they were strong and ready and willing. They were lips of faith.

Immediately, a smile. Then, a grin, a knowing nod and the calm deep breath of satisfaction of meeting a blonde and discovering that really, truly, she's a redhead in disguise.
