A glimmer of hope came across my mind that I might be able to finally find the one beer that's been escaping me for almost a year. The St. Augustiner beer that I drank a liter of in a beer garden in Munich, and have never forgot about the beer since. Naturally since I've struck out at finding this beer virtually everywhere in the States, I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw the Augustinerbrau label. I almost cried right in the bottle shop. The Beer Gods peeked through the clouds, a smiled ever so brightly upon my taste pallet, and my nostalgic tendencies.
With it's light golden color, crispy malt taste, and smoothly blended hops, my visions of sitting in a park and getting drunk with a bunch of Australians, and dancing in one of the oldest breweries in Germany danced in front of my eyes like an old fabled tale.
Beermigos rating: Contemplating the meaning of life with your Beermigos brew. Pat, I'm bringing some down. Doug, when you get out here, it's the first thing we're doing.