Thursday, April 16, 2009

Hop Monkey IPA

One of my favorite parts of the arrival of spring, is the similar change in beer styles that become available. Don't get me wrong, I love a good stout, but after a long winter with plenty of chocolaty, creamy stout (OK I kind of want one now, damn it) it's nice to start turning to the citrus smelling perky IPAs that come with spring. I was at the favorite watering hole with some buds, kickin' back with some beers and testing each other with trivia quizzes we had made for each other. All of my questions had to do with sports, Seinfeld, or Arrested Development seeing that those three things with beer are all I need in life, it was a pretty damn good night. Then came the beer selection of Hop Monkey. My goodness, did I make one hell of a choice.

The fine folks up at Laurelwood Brewery up in Portland blessed me with this beer, and I can't thank them enough for it. It's color was of a lighter yellow, not quite lager yellow, but a couple of shades above. The head was pure white as to be expected, and the smell was simply fantastic. A very citrusy, alive smell that had me giddy to begin drinking the beer. The taste, oh the taste, was quite possibly the best balanced IPA taste I've had in a long time. A quick punch of hoppy bitterness, with a slight twinge of malt, and then finishes concisely with one last burst of hop goodness. This beer was so crisp, I feel like I could drink this beer after a marathon and quench my thirst. I could not put this beer down, I drank it so damn fast I went and got another one just to experience it all over again.

Beermigos Rating: Pondering the Meaning of Life with your Beermigos Brew.
I absolutely love this beer. From the first sip to the last gulp, the Hop Monkey is in my top 5 beers of all time. I would highly suggest it if you come across it. It is so crisp, complex, and finishes so clean it is perfect for getting one in the mood for good weather.

1 comment:

MEL said...

this post makes me want this beer so bad. come to hawaii and bring me some!!!