Friday, April 10, 2009

Fun Fact Friday!

Good Friday to you readers (literally) hope all is well. My bad about two FFFs in a row, I've been meaning to review this fantastic IPA I had the other day, but haven't got around to finishing the review. Anyway seeing that it is Good Friday, making Sunday Easter, I figured I would drop some knowledge about a mythical creature that seems to have very little to do with the actual holiday. I am speaking of the Easter Bunny.

While the early Christians were trying to spread their religion through out Europe, their biggest opponents were the Pagans. In efforts to ease the transition from Paganism to Christianity, many Pagan holiday dates were kept around the same time, but were given different Christian meanings. The Pagans would celebrate natures re-birth with a festival that appreciated the Goddess of fertility and spring, known as Eostre or Eastre. Two prominent symbols of fertility were the egg and the hare. The first documented appearance of an Easter Bunny like character was in Germany around the 1600's, when the character Oschter Hawes would deliver colored eggs to well behaving children. Eventually when settlers came to the US, so did the Easter Bunny.

Interestingly enough, the Easter Bunny isn't as popular in every Christian state as it is in the US. Australia didn't have any rabbits in their natural habitat, so when they were brought from Europe, they destroyed many crops and other wildlife making them a complete pest. So instead the Aussies have the Easter Bilby, which is an indigenous marsupial.

Enjoy the weekend,


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