Friday, May 8, 2009

Oakshire Amber

Good afternoon to all of the beermigos out there, sorry for the couple of weeks hiatus, there's been some nice weather making it a little difficult to sit inside and write. Excuses be damned, I've got to step my game up along with my two compadres. Anyway, recently PJames came back from his Spanish excursion and it's been very nice having one of the other Beermigos to consistently enjoy a beer with. One of those times happened to be a week ago at the fine outdoors store known as Back Country Gear Limited. They hosted a professional rock climbing lady to come show some slides of insane routes she had completed recently. You can see some of the pictures here, I highly suggest it. There were two great things about this event; free beer and Pat found the love of his life.

Yes I know, free beer is an amazing thing. But it's even better when the beer is high quality local brew. Oakshire used to be known as Willamette Brewing Company, and while the name may have changed the good beer hasn't. This amber was a very dark and had a nice hearty filling. The malt was the strongest taste, but there was a bit of hops that finished out.

Beermigos Rating: A Dinner at the In Laws Brew. A very solid amber that could really go with a lot of different foods. On the maltier side with only a 30 IBU so keep that in mind, but average alcohol content at 5.4%.


pjames said...

the IPA was pretty solid too.

BeardedDuck said...

Geez Louise, well excuse me. I'll be putting a large post down rather soon.

- Douglas