Friday, February 13, 2009

Fun Fact Friday!

Since today is the widely feared Friday the 13th, and there's been more than enough baseball in the news with all of the steroids and players reporting to spring camp soon, I felt it was necessary to inform you readers about the most famous curse in baseball; the Billy Goat Curse. The Chicago Cubs currently hold the longest championship drought in all of American major professional sports. The Cubs won their last World Series in 1908, yes, over 100 years ago. They saw a fair amount of success through out the twenties and the thirties winning multiple pennants, but that all changed one day during Game 4 of the 1945 World Series. A local pub owner, William Sianis, had bought two box seats for the game. One ticket for himself, one ticket for his pet goat Murphy. Another little tid bit, the cost of each ticket was $7.20. For box seats. Game 4. World Series. Are you kidding me? Sianis and Murphy got by the ushers at the gate, but were forcefully ejected by the owner, Phillip Wrigley, because of the objectionable smell. Naturally Sianis was offended, and when being taken out of the building he proclaimed that the Cubs would never win a pennant, or play another World Series in Wrigley field. Since then, the late Mr. Wrigley apologized to Sianis, who after a couple of years proclaimed to lift his curse. It didn't work. The Cubs organization tried bringing in Sianis' Nephew, who brought in a goat, the first time it was ever aloud, and the Cubs ended up winning their division that year. However they didn't win the pennant. In 2003 there was the infamous Bartman incident, and if you don't know what happened there, you probably didn't even read this because you couldn't care less about sports. So this weekend, give a nice toast to any of your buds that may be Cubs fans, they've gone through suffering that very few sports fans have ever known.


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