Friday, February 20, 2009

Fun Fact Friday!

Ole! There's supposed to be an accent on the E, but again, don't know how to do it. This week's fun little nugget is about a feat that was accomplished today, 47 years ago. John Glenn was the first American to orbit the Earth in outer space in the spaceship the "Friendship 7." For such an awesome accomplishment, doing it in something called the "Friendship 7" seems slightly demeaning. Why didn't they called it the "Space Ripper 5000," or "Atmosphere Obliterater?" Yeah, yeah I know the whole Cold War thing was going on, but come on. Glenn himself was a bit of a bad ass who started out in the Marine Corp as a pilot, who eventually moved on to be an astronaut for NASA. He flew 59 combat missions in World War II serving in the South Pacific, mostly dropping bombs and taking out Anti-Aircraft guns. Glenn also served in 63 combat missions in the Korean War, where he earned the alias "Magnet Ass," for all of the Anti-Aircraft guns that went after him. He eventually moved on to NASA, and was apart of the initial astronaut program known as the Mercury Project. He eventually went into space and orbited the Earth three times in a little less than 5 hours. After his NASA career he became a US Senator for his home state of Ohio for almost 25 years. He became relevant again in 1999 when he went back into space at the ripe age of 77, making him the oldest person to leave the Earth.

Have a great weekend,


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