Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Maui Brewing Coconut Porter
Maui Brewing company is a favorite of mine, all of their beers coming in very cool designed cans are great for BBQ's (see their blond lager, and big swell IPA), and if I ever get the privilege to go down the Colorado river again, these will be the beers I take.
Alright, enough of my personal digression, and on to the beer. This porter is quite dark in looks, with very minimal breaks in it's black color. Sweet in smell, and a standard coffee taste at first with a subtle, sweet taste of roasted coconut at the end. The blend with the roasted malt and coconut is fantastic, making me believe that I could really drink this beer regardless of the weather outside as the coconut flavor lightens the brew up. My only gripe would be that the light brown head didn't last long enough for me. But I like a bit of froth on top more than your average beermigo.
Beermigos Rating: Burger and a brew beer. Fairly high in abv (5.7%), but I would imagine that a nice cheeseburger with a pineapple ring would buddy up with this beer like PB and J.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Sierra Nevada Pale Ale
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Dynamo Copper Lager
Well first off it's a lager but with a solid copper color rather than a bold yellow color. My goodness this was refreshing. It was partially the situation but also just the smooth finish. It was smooth like a lager but I felt that this had a more bold flavor than most lagers. It was very hoppy but it had a nice balance of malts in the aftertaste. There was a very nice hint of spice in the taste that the malty finish cancelled out. It was very interesting because this was a very full-bodied beer but it was not too filling. Usually a beer with a bold taste can be a one and done but this didn't fill me up too much at all. The brew finished great! I refreshed myself with a shot of spicy Buffalo Trace whiskey (on tap) and headed out the door on my way home. All in all a good day of exploration.
Beermigos Rating - The Burger and a Brew Rating: This was a tough call between this rating and an In-Laws beer. I chose this because I know that this beer would go fantastic with a burger. At 5.6% ABV it's not a thumper but it's still plenty. Frankly I've been thinking about this beer since I drank it and if I saw this as a deal with a burger it would be too good to pass up. This flaovor would hold it's own not only against a burger but with a lot of different foods. It complimented my hot dog well. But really this beer could be drunk at anytime, that's how much I loved it.
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Stella Artois
The second review from Ireland is a much different beer from the first. This time around the beer is quite a light lager from Belgium that was quite refreshing. After a hard day's work, nothing felt better than to feel the rare Ireland sun beam down on to my body, while laying on tires, drinking this beer, and listening to about four different languages. We currently have some frenchmen, two spaniards, two germans, and two other eugenians!
The beer again was a nice lager, so while not heavy in taste, it was verry refreshing. A nice bite to it, but still very light. Crystal clear in color, almost a European version of our Coors, and Miller but better tasting.
Beermigos rating: Throwback brew. Average amount of alcohol content, 5 %, and very smooth. Almost screams at you to start barbequeing burgers.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Guinness in Ireland
I walked the 6 km to the nearest semi-town with beer. My only option was to stop by a nice little pub and grab a couple of bottles to go. Playing to the friendly, openness stereotype of the Irish culture, I walked into the pub because it's door was wide open, yet there was no one inside. I called hello a couple of times, but no one came calling back. If I didn't have a conscious I could have easily hopped the bar, grabbed a handful of brews, and been on my jolly, deviant way. Instead I found the man who owned the bar working on a cement wall at the side of the house (is everyone in Ireland working on some sort of cement wall?). He walked me in, and got the attention of his 70ish year old mother who was glad to serve me.
Having worked 8 hours that day, a 12 km walk was a little rough, and about half way on my walk back I needed a pick me up. I some how managed to crack open one of my Guinness' with my coat zipper, and took healthy swigs as I strolled back to the hostel. I'm not sure if there is more of an authentic Irish experience of walking on an old country road (which are scary as shit, by the way), sipping a Guinness, and having nothing to listen to other than wind, and cows.
Beermigos Rating: Onesy Brew: We've all had Guinness before, but naturally this one was a little more special. It is true what they say, the Guinness here is better than in the states but I think it's just because it's a little fresher. You would think carbonation would eliminate that factor, but there's something about them here. That, and you don't want to drink more than one beer while walking on these roads, trust me.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Miller High Life
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Magic Hat: Summer Scene Variety 12 Pack
Magic Hat is a brewery in South Burlington, Vermont. They are mostly in the Northeast and they distribute to Binny's some who does a good job of collecting beer from all over the country and world. Their goal is to establish themselves as a brewer of world-class beer and continually evolving brand of distinction. They also place a high value on having positive energy in the workplace because they feel that it has an effect on the quality of their brews. I thought I had discovered a new secret to pass on to my beermigos and brag about. I was pumped! However, when I boasted about my new finding to another beermigo he had already tasted their sweet delights and informed me that he had tried it before while in Washington D.C. two years back. DAMNIT...I thought. But wait just one second Douglas. It's just not the beermigo way to be angry at another beermigo for having tasted a delicious brew and thouroughly enjoying it. Shame on me I thought..no, good for my beermigo and good for me. Because now I could enjoy not only 1 but 4 of the brews that he had been so lucky to try before. And enjoy I did.
#9 Not-Quite-Pale-Ale: This beer is very much like the title. It tastes like a pale ale in a lot of ways, but it's not quite a pale ale. This beer is dry, crisp and refreshing but there's a hint of sweetness to it that's not normal with a pale ale. Some sort of gingersweet spicyness that is not overwhelming and adds a unique and awesome taste to it. This beer is very light, but because of that sweetness very flavorful too. It finishes real smooth and the last taste was just as good as the first.
Beermigos Rating: Dinner with the In-Laws - At 4.6% this beer accomplishes you being able to have a couple and not look like a drunkard in front of that special someone's parents. It's also a fairly high quality beer. The sweetness makes it still taste like a beer but not be too rough for the ladies. The unique flavor and title (not quite pale ale) will have the father impressed with your vast knowledge of different types and varieties of beer in the world. While doing all of this you'll be able to sit back, relax and enjoy a good beer becase you will have impressed the in-laws.
Lucky Kat: Lucky Kat is described as a mysterious beer that when you take a sip will bite back with a big hoppy kiss. I must say, I think these Magic Hat brewers know what they're talking about. This beer doesn't really fit into a specific type or category. It is incredibly sweet and very hoppy. It's hoppy and bitter taste make me want to say IPA but its sweetness just throws you off. With all that's going on in there it is still very smooth and has a definite clean and CRISP finish. The hops are very overpowering and this beer most certainly is.................mysterious.
Beermigos Rating: Debating the Meaning of Life with your Beermigos - This beer is very mysterious as I said. It's not the most complex beer I've had but it's still rises up many questions which is how a good discussion on the meaning of life begins. Just as you're trying to wrap your tongue around it you get smacked pack with a powerful-aftertaste-punch. Plus at 5.8%, it can easily put you in that right mindset for opening up with the deeper questions.
Wacko: This beer is fucking Wacko! It is described as a beet red summer beer. This is because an extra (and potent) ingredient they've chosen to put into this is beet sugar. So the beer has a beet red coloring as well as sweet flavor. Although I have to say, it doesn't ruin the beer. It is very malty with a subdued hop bite which is followed by a crisp sweet finish. It has a slight sour taste to it as well (odd). Ultimately though the beet sugar throws you a new one and keeps you guessing, as well as taking more sips just figure out this unique taste.
Beermigos Rating: I'm afraid this beer doesn't fit into our rating system. This beer really is fucking Wacko! It's not a Debating the Meaning of Life because it just stands out too much to allow clear thoughts of other more complex things. It's not an In-Laws because they could very easily be unimpressed with your odd selection. Too flavorful for a Throw-back or Ballgame brew. At 4.5% it's not very strong, but even though it has no category it is more than worth trying. Maybe a Onesy but it has a very uniqe taste that may not be enjoyed. This beer is just fucking Wacko!
Odd Notion Summer: This beer is a Belgian Blonde but not your typical Belgian Blonde. It is golden in color and has a nice buttery sweet taste to it. This is from the Belgian candy sugar that has been added. In many ways it's kind of like a sweet treat...that you want many of. It also has a noticeable spice to it that apparently comes from the unique Belgian yeast strand. It tastes light but it feels very filling after you've had one. Probably all the sugar and the 5.9% ABV. A few of these will knock you back. It's got a little bit of that hoppy bitterness and it just pretty damn refreshing. The aftertaste is where the true refreshment comes from. That is where all the flavors linger for a little bit, especially the slight spice. This beer is a delight.
Beermigos Rating: Onesy Brew- I thought about Debating the Maning of Life but I felt Onesy was better. This is a beer that should never be slammed down. It must be enjoyed slowly to appreciate it. I think this beer would fit right in at Sam Bond's. I envison myself sitting with my firends and fellow beermigos at a local establishment known for having fun but relaxing as well. Plus with the 5.9% after 3 or 4 of these you will be a little surprised/gleeful.
Magic Hat Brewery: Baller!
Sunday, June 14, 2009
New Belgium Lips of Faith Dandelion Ale
The night was Thursday, the bar was Davis' downtown and the man behind the magic was Brother Nikos. This man, having recently earned a minor in Business Administration had prepared for us a loose itinerary of after dinner casual entertainment as a rowdy, drunken testament to his various achievements over the past five years at the University of Oregon, the least of which were two excellently orchestrated "pub crawls" in 2007 and 2008. The pub crawl of 2009 was a culmination of research compiled and organized throughout the previous years and Nikos, Friday morning would defend his honors thesis on the topic.
The night began at Taylors, went west to the city center, looped down to the back quarter where I was left behind at Joggers playing pool with an Icelandic geologist. Eventually, the tour returned to Rennies via Burrito Boy and continued on down to the river for a nice, early morning stroll during which Nikos articulated eloquently the main points of the speech he would deliver later on that very same morning. By this point, I had lost my sense of direction, my ability to count, and vast array of basic motor functions. I had, however, gained confidence, courage, warmth, strength and the ability and desire to write on bathroom walls and tag t-shirts with a sharpie. These two critical skills, I believe, were a direct result of circumstancial contact with Dandelion Ale.
This ale, a recent addition to the New Belgium product line, offered perhaps the most interesting and unexpected surprise to my palate, sending sparks of flower power to dance with my tastebuds. I had wandered to the side of the bar to inspect the on-tap selection, and my eyes had naturally gravitated to the New Belguim label proudly displayed as the most accessible of beers. At first I mistook the label for that of the Skinny Dip Summer Seasonal Red and was slightly disappointed when I realized that my eyes were sufficently blurred so as to make reading difficult. This being said, my eyes soon opened wider than ever before, so inspired and excited was I to taste a new New Belgium. The only other time I had ever felt that way was last summer when first I touched my lips to those of the Mighty Arrow Pale Ale. My lips that night at Davis' however, did not qiuvver with the nervousness, the slight hesitation of a first kiss; no; they were strong and ready and willing. They were lips of faith.
Immediately, a smile. Then, a grin, a knowing nod and the calm deep breath of satisfaction of meeting a blonde and discovering that really, truly, she's a redhead in disguise.
Friday, May 22, 2009
Top 5 Beers for the Weekend
- Laurelwood's Hop Monkey IPA: This bad boy is pure spring. So fresh, so crisp, so hoppy, so damn good.
- New Belgium Brewery's Might Arrow: This pale ale goes along with the theme of spring, crisp and fresh that just makes everything so much better.
- Amnesia's Copasetic IPA: Going to be up in P-twon later, gotta stop by Amnesia. If only I could remember how to get there...
- Mac and Jack's African Amber: A very hearty dark amber, that's surprisingly smooth considering the color. P.S. Maria if you're still reading this site, I'm still looking for some bottles!
- Henry Weinhard's Blue Boar Pale Ale: The ultimate throw back beer will be needed as a certain Lauren will be up in Portland, and will bring back nostalgia of river kick its.
Have a safe weekend everybody,
Pelican IPA
Any-hoo, this fine crafted IPA was created by Pelican Brew Pub in Cape Kiwanda. I've sampled some of their beers before, the cream ale is ridiculously delicious, and was excited to see this beer at Bierstein. The India Pelican Ale, as they call it, is considered one of Oregon's best made beers. This bad boy came in a 22 oz bottle and was an IPA fan's type of beer. Very bitter (85 IBU's) with Cascade hops dominating the bitter taste. A twinge of malty sweetness started the taste, but unless you have an appreciation for hops, and bitter beer, I would not suggest this one to you. However, if you do enjoy hops, this baby is jam packed with them.
Beermigos Rating: Onesy Brew. This beer is not for every one. But as I said before, for the IPA fans it's pretty darn good. A very nice spicy aroma, with a light white head to start, very crisp and Cascade hop dominant. 7.5% ABV so a 22 oz bottle can get you pretty buzzed.
Friday, May 8, 2009
Oakshire Amber
Yes I know, free beer is an amazing thing. But it's even better when the beer is high quality local brew. Oakshire used to be known as Willamette Brewing Company, and while the name may have changed the good beer hasn't. This amber was a very dark and had a nice hearty filling. The malt was the strongest taste, but there was a bit of hops that finished out.
Beermigos Rating: A Dinner at the In Laws Brew. A very solid amber that could really go with a lot of different foods. On the maltier side with only a 30 IBU so keep that in mind, but average alcohol content at 5.4%.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Hop Monkey IPA
The fine folks up at Laurelwood Brewery up in Portland blessed me with this beer, and I can't thank them enough for it. It's color was of a lighter yellow, not quite lager yellow, but a couple of shades above. The head was pure white as to be expected, and the smell was simply fantastic. A very citrusy, alive smell that had me giddy to begin drinking the beer. The taste, oh the taste, was quite possibly the best balanced IPA taste I've had in a long time. A quick punch of hoppy bitterness, with a slight twinge of malt, and then finishes concisely with one last burst of hop goodness. This beer was so crisp, I feel like I could drink this beer after a marathon and quench my thirst. I could not put this beer down, I drank it so damn fast I went and got another one just to experience it all over again.
Beermigos Rating: Pondering the Meaning of Life with your Beermigos Brew.
I absolutely love this beer. From the first sip to the last gulp, the Hop Monkey is in my top 5 beers of all time. I would highly suggest it if you come across it. It is so crisp, complex, and finishes so clean it is perfect for getting one in the mood for good weather.
Friday, April 10, 2009
Fun Fact Friday!
While the early Christians were trying to spread their religion through out Europe, their biggest opponents were the Pagans. In efforts to ease the transition from Paganism to Christianity, many Pagan holiday dates were kept around the same time, but were given different Christian meanings. The Pagans would celebrate natures re-birth with a festival that appreciated the Goddess of fertility and spring, known as Eostre or Eastre. Two prominent symbols of fertility were the egg and the hare. The first documented appearance of an Easter Bunny like character was in Germany around the 1600's, when the character Oschter Hawes would deliver colored eggs to well behaving children. Eventually when settlers came to the US, so did the Easter Bunny.
Interestingly enough, the Easter Bunny isn't as popular in every Christian state as it is in the US. Australia didn't have any rabbits in their natural habitat, so when they were brought from Europe, they destroyed many crops and other wildlife making them a complete pest. So instead the Aussies have the Easter Bilby, which is an indigenous marsupial.
Enjoy the weekend,
Friday, April 3, 2009
Fun Fact Friday!
In 1998 the good folks at Guinness issued a statement that they were going to be the official sponsor of the Old Royal Observatory's Millenium celebration. The Observatory is located in Greenwich, London, and had agreed to change England's name of time from the Greenwich Mean Time to the Guinness Mean Time. The Observatory would recognize this change, start counting seconds in "pint drips," and it would all go back to normal at the end of 1999. Apparently The Financial Times didn't find that appropriate, and criticized the beer makers, until they realized it was a joke and retracted their statement in the next issue. Oh those wacky beer makers, you just never know with those guys.
Enjoy your weekend,
Monday, March 30, 2009
Raison D'Extra
While the girls were watching their Gossip Girl, I needed something high in alcohol to make it through the pain that is that horrible TV show (I try not to be negative, but it's just sooooo bad). Well I definitely picked the right beer. According to their website, it's at 18 ABV thus only needing one of them to effectively block out the TV while playing Bubble Spinner. It was incredibly complex, as to be expected of a Dogfish Head creation. It's a fairly traditional brown ale with a slight nut taste, but then out of no where, an extreme sweetness takes the tongue hostage via the raisins they used in the wort. RAISINS? Are you kidding me? These guys can find a way to mix just about anything with malt, hops, and yeast.
While the raisin taste comes crashing in out of no where, it fades away very comfortably and leaves nothing nasty hanging. The only thing this brew left was a fantastic buzz from it's high ABV.
Beermigos rating: Onesy/Contemplating the Meaning of Life Brew: This one is so very unique that it can only be created by Dogfish Head. It really shocks you at first, but the taste becomes very comfortably sweet once you know what is coming. With the high ABV, you definitely don't want to be pounding these away, and could start some epic conversations because of it's complexity.
P.S. The Special Lady Friend didn't like it, but I did.
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Now, SuperBock (Sabor Autentico) is just about anything but super. It is slightly too bitter to really be enjoyable in a light beer, but it is slightly too heavy to really be refreshing. The flavor is crisp, but in the way that leaves your tongue feeling like a piece of aluminum foil. Of course, none of this matters if you are slamming them down in a beach bar with a boatload of Australians, dancing and fighting with your friend over the company of a woman without a sexy British accent. On the other hand, when you're hanging out by yourself in a place where children usually play, its just kind of creepy. However, the low price and high alcohol content (the only redeeming qualities of SuperBock) provide just enough of a buzz to bring a brother out to the playground on a warm winter night to do some swinging and look at the stars.
It was strange to be so isolated, out there 22kms North of Porto, but to be so comfortable with it at the same time. It's not everyday you wake up in a country where you don't speak the language and cruise through it so easily and smoothly, watching the countryside slide by as the sun moves across the sky. And then, when night falls, and the stars come out and the moon is starting to peak up, its good to have nothing to do except sit out and watch, nursing a brew and pouring out a splash or two for the beermigos back home.
Rating: Throwback/meaning of life, the same, strange dual-rating of a Pabst 40, which is perfect party-fodder but also perfect for a good, in the park man-chat.
Friday, March 13, 2009
Fun Fact Friday!
Enjoy your weekend, hopefully you wont have to work half as hard this weekend as any of those guys did,
P.S. Just in, Coach Bellotti stepped down as head coach. He has had the highest amount of Pac-10 wins than any other Oregon coach, and really took the program to new heights. Thanks Coach B.
Friday, March 6, 2009
Fun Fact Friday!
P.S. since I feel like a lazy ass for such a short FFF, here's a link on how to become a Knight within Royal England. Kinda cool.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Three Floyd's: Alpha King Pale Ale
I had gotten off work, taken the El home, had a lie down (not a nap) and then went out with the notepad for a beer. I got a couple of looks for sitting at a bar on a Thursday night by myself at midnight, but what the heck. I was mostly thinking about my kids at work and how to handle them. It had been a good day so positive thoughts were on the mind. But I was off work and it was time to think about something else. The beer in front sufficed.
This beer had a reddish-orangish color to it. The first sip surprised me with its potent flavor. According to their website, Three Floyd's says that this is a Pale Ale jam packed with hops and contains a citrusy flavor. Could've fooled me. I could taste and smell the sweetness but it seemed like more of a malty sweetness rather than a citrusy sweetness, particularly in the aftertaste. There also seemed to be just a hint of molasses in it as well. The aftertaste just left me with an unbelievably settling feeling.
Beermigos Rating - Debating the Meaning of Life with your own Beermigos Brew:
Dude, this beer is apparently packed with Centennial, Cascade and Warrior hops but I swear to God there was some serious maltness to it that overpowered the hops. Even with this confusion you can't help but feel good and relaxed because it tastes so good. At the same time though, the confusion also rises questions. This is essential to beginning a debate on the meaning of life. At 6% ABV it gives you that perfect buzz for having a man-chat with your beermigos about greater spiritual things.
Goose Island: Nut Brown Ale
The scene was a Thursday night at the Goose Island headquarters (Goose Island Bar & Grill, 8 buildings away from Wrigley Field). I was expecting a drunk dial from a certain Clairetoris Hambly, but alas that call never happened because she was too drunk to remember. Instead I enjoyed my roommate's band perform onstage while I joked with some new friends and got made fun of for taking notes in my notepad about the taste of this beer.
This is an English Brown Ale style and a fantastic one at that. The nutty flavor smacked me out of my chair with the first sip, but left me begging for more. I LOVE NUTS!!! It is apparently brewed as a chestnut-hued ale, no doubt the source of the nutty taste. However, you can also detect subtle hints of chocolate, honey and tobacco in it. Particularly the honey and then chocolate, which is an awesome combo. It was of course a dark brown color but the smell.......maaaaaaaaaan, it smelled like malted brown sugar. For as rich and flavorful as this brew is it finishes smooth. The taste just fades away and melts like butter.
Beermigos Rating - I'm gonna go with Dinner with the In-Laws/Girlfriend or Boyfriend's Parents:
This is a beer with a lot flavor that I would say just about anybody could at least respect (which is something that's good to have from your significant other's parent). It might not be everyone's cup of tea, but no one will hate on this choice. It's a safe bet for this sort of situation. It's not a Onesy because while flavorful, it's not as complex as other brews. Plus at 5.2 % ABV you're not running too many sobriety risks after one or two. At dinner though, you could throw them back and not feel too drunk.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Stuart and Bruce's Fruity Bash!
Beermigos Rating: Dinner with the Inlaws/Burger and Brew: This one could go either way. It had a lively bitter taste, yet finished very crisply that would allow one to further enjoy a burger with it. Yet, the alcohol content didn't seem very high, making it safe with the In laws.
Monday, February 23, 2009
Estrella Galicia
Friday, February 20, 2009
Fun Fact Friday!
Have a great weekend,
Friday, February 13, 2009
Fun Fact Friday!
Thursday, February 12, 2009
The Abyss
Beermigos rating: Onesy. This is a well crafted beer, and really shows Deschutes mix of creativity with simplicity that is a characteristic of their beers. I was tempted to rate this as a "Pondering the meaning of life with your Beermigos," however, I'm not a big fan of black licorice so the taste wasn't quite at that level for me. However, if you do enjoy black licorice, you might disagree with my rating.
Friday, February 6, 2009
Fun Fact Friday!
Here are the two national hot lines:
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Mighty Arrow New Belgium Brewery
Beermigos rating: BBQ brew; this beer just made me think of sunshine while roasting up some brawts and dogs. I have a feeling this is why it made me so chipper, and really is an excellent one for spring because it's very refreshing and has substance at the same time.
Friday, January 30, 2009
Fun Fact Friday!
Enjoy the festivities and be safe,
Thursday, January 29, 2009
FFF Aluminum Can Add On
Goose Island 312 Urban Wheat Ale
It was a Sunday evening/afternoon and the Philadelphia Eagles were playing the Arizona Cardinals in the NFC Championship game. The Eagles were getting stomped but about to surmount a comeback that the Cardinals would eventually answer on their own to win the game and go to the Super Bowl. I was sitting by myself but in Chicago that usually means you're going to end up having a conversation with the person sitting next to you (especially during a football game). This was the case. The man to my right tried to talk football with me but he was a little out of it. The man to my left was an Eagles fan (tough day for him) and he expressed to me how much he has always disliked Donovan McNabb. I thought, what an opportunity to try a local brew and write down some sampling notes for the beer blog. I looked at the selection and thought I'd try out 312.
It had an appealing light yellow color that you could almost see through. I took my first sip and was caught off guard. Very bitter, as a matter of fact unexpectedly bitter. I took another sip to confirm, and it was what I would even describe as sour. This was not a good mix with football and Irish soup. It was very light and was not too filling at all. It also had a good crisp finish. In this case the crisp finish immediately removed any lingering sour or bitter tastes. I could see the appeal but given the time and my own preferences it just wasn't doing it for me. I nursed it and finished it as the Eagles made their last attempt on 4th down. While watching that play I could see the Eagles and I had made a similar but different mistake on that day. We both made a bad call.
I think our new brewing system is genius, but I also feel that there is one category that is missing so I'm gonna go ahead and create it right now because I feel that this applies. It's called the Summer BBQ Brew. This is a beer that is generally low in alcohol content but very light and not too filling. Make no mistake, a ball game brew or a throw back can serve just fine in this situation. However, these are beers that taste especially good during that summer time kickin it/relaxing mode and are considered to be a little better quality. A BBQ, a river kick-it or a porch hang out are activities commonly associated with this.
The Goose Island 312 Urban Wheat Ale is a Summertime BBQ Brew. This is a big reason why I didn't find it that enjoyable in the situation listed above. I could see this being comfortably enjoyed in the outdoor patio of a local pub on a hot summer day here in Chicago. The unique crisp finish is what does it. It contributes to the not filled feeling. I don't think it is my favorite because the sour bitterness just isn't my style, but after writing about it some and thinking about the situation it is definitely growing on me. I think I could definitely enjoy it in a few months, but it would not be a favorite.
Enjoy yourselves ladies and gentlemen,
Peace be the journey.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Dogfish Head 60 Minute IPA
Beermigos Rating: Burger and a Brew. This was a very lively beer, had some nice tastes to it, but really seemed like it would go well with cheddar and beef. Fairly high in alcohol content, but not quite the absurdity of the 120 minute IPA.
Friday, January 23, 2009
Fun Fact Friday!
Have a good weekend,
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Palo Santo Wood Malt Beverage
Beermigo rating: Definitley a Onesy Brew. This beer is very unique in it's all malt flavor, yet I don't think it's at the pure nirvana taste to really get your brain flowing with your buds. Alcohol content is at 12%, making it a little strong as well.
Sunday, January 18, 2009
New Fancy Pants Rating System
Friday, January 16, 2009
Fun Fact Friday!
Have a good weekend,
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Yellow Snow IPA
The scent to this beer was full of flowery life, I absolutely loved it. While expensive compared to most beers, Rogue is consistent at pumping out fantastic beer, and this was no exception. The first, and lasting taste is a definitive hop bitterness. While not over powering to the point of obnoxiousness, the bitterness dominates from the first sip to the last but still finishes smooth. I enjoyed the Yellow Snow a lot (ha yello.... OK I know, childish) it wasn't trying to be over fancy, it just said to your taste buds, "I'm an IPA, I'm damn good, and leave a nice lingering bitterness. Hope that's cool." What, you don't imagine conversations between your tongue and beer? Weirdo.
Friday, January 9, 2009
Fun Fact Friday!
Have a great weekend. PROST
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Inversion IPA
The taste, of course, was excellent. The Inversion was different from most IPA's I've had recently, in that there was a predominant malt taste with a slight hoppy finish. My taste buds were indicating mostly Cascade hops, fitting considering from where the beer is from. Deschutes continued their high reputation in my mind by creating this sweet beginning taste, with a nice, subtle bitter finish.