Friday, January 9, 2009

Fun Fact Friday!

Good Friday to everyone, hope your new year is going well so far. It's been a while since we've pumped out a fun fact, so here we go with the new year in new facts! This week Slovakia changed their currency from the Koruna (did their bills come with lime? Ha Koruna, Corona, OK that was really dumb) to the Euro, making them the sixteenth country in that region to run off of the Euro. There are actually 27 total members of the European Union, but only sixteen of them use the Euro for their currency. The reason for using the Euro is to try to create a common market, and a customs union. Which is pretty interesting because the two concepts contradict each other. On one hand they want to be able to freely trade within the nations that are apart of the EU, yet they want to have a unified tariff system for the rest of the world that isn't apart of their club (reminds me of my youth, and all those times I wanted to go play with the big boys... single tear.... brings back tough memories... OK enough of the side commentary, this is getting ridiculous). To have your country accepted into the EU, one must fulfill the Copenhagen Criteria; meaning that you must have a stable democracy ruled by law, an internal economy that can keep up with EU standards, and follow the laws of the EU. One last little side bit, their anthem is "Ode to Joy." Kinda random.

Have a great weekend. PROST

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