Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Palo Santo Wood Malt Beverage

For those consistant readers out there, you will remember a FFF where we talked about the scale used to measure the strength of wood. This is the beer/malt beverage that inspired that FFF. I read about it in the Wall Street Journal, it was a very interesting article, about how this wood was imported from South America to make special barrels because of the woods long lasting scent that would add to the beer's flavor. This is another Dogfish Head Brewery beer that is pretty crazy. It really is just pure malt, there is no trace of hops anywhere. The scent is very malty as well, and has a slight alcohol smell to it. The color is of a pitch black stout while there was very little head at the beginning which had the brownish stout head as well. There didn't seem to be much carbonation when the bottle was opened explaining the low amount of head. They claimed it was a brown ale on the side of the bottle, but it was so thick that it had the feeling of a syrup.

Beermigo rating: Definitley a Onesy Brew. This beer is very unique in it's all malt flavor, yet I don't think it's at the pure nirvana taste to really get your brain flowing with your buds. Alcohol content is at 12%, making it a little strong as well.

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