Friday, January 16, 2009

Fun Fact Friday!

Happy Friday to everyone out there, hope you have some awesome plans for this weekend because I sure don't. WOOO HOOO! Enough with the negative Nancy-ness and on to a headline that forces a double take. Pablo Cayo of Peru fought the law, and the law was on his side. Mr. Cayo was recently fired from his janitorial job, for being drunk while at work, took it to court and won his job back. The top court in Peru felt that the firing was un-just because, "...even though Cayo was drunk, he did not offend or hurt anybody (" Sign me up for that union. Can you imagine all of the additional Beermigos entries we could make if we were aloud to drink on the job? That my dear Dames and Sires, is the true Audacity of Hope.

Have a good weekend,


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