Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Big Swell IPA

Another craft from the Maui Brewing Company has me dreaming of the islands and the ocean, again. While when it comes to taste the two are different (this IPA and the Bikini Blonde I sampled earlier), the art on the can is in the same category of bitchin'. The shadow of the anonymous surfer with tower-sized waves dominating the picture reminds any avid surfer of Eddie Aikau, and creates a yearning to go sit in a line up regardless of how great the waves are. 

But about the beer (probably the reason as to why you are here), it is really a fantastic IPA. Very smooth, and while I fancy myself a beer snob and do the whole smelling of the beer even if I haven't had any instruction, it really smells like some phenomenal, island grown hops. That had me wondering however, because I know to grow hops there are very specific weather conditions (one of the reasons why Oregon is an exceptionable place to make beer), and I was curious as to whether they imported the hops. Regardless, the hop taste is simple yet delicious. It doesn't try to be too elitist by mixing five different types of hops while making it a high gravity yada yada yada, and all of that madness. I wouldn't recommend it to a beginning beer drinker based on that most don't like IPAs much, but for those who want to expand their beer-rizon, this is an excellent choice.

I am really enamored with this beer. While each sip in incredibly consistent, it really just projects thoughts of left to right breaks, where the barrels are lasting the length of the beach,all the while curling so gently to drip on the surface of the water. If you can't tell, it's been waaaaay too long since I've hit the ocean.

Word to your Mother.

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