Friday, August 1, 2008


I am the third and final participant of this blog and I have taken my sweet sweet time to begin this blogging and tasting journey. Don't let my timing put you off, I enjoy and appreciate a relaxing cold brew as much as these two gentlemen that have come before me.

Let's start at the beginning. I remember my first taste of beer was when I was a youngster in the beginning years of elementary school. Like all good young men my journey began with my father. We were sitting around the kitchen table on a relaxing weekend day and for some reason still unknown to me my Dad was drinking a Sharp's non-alcoholic beer. I asked him for a sip and he told me that I probably would not like it. He was correct. I have not had a Sharp's beer since then and I feel confident in saying that I probably wouldn't like it today, but for different reasons.

My regular consumption of beer took its course in high school and blossomed into what it is today in college. I like all types and kinds of beer because they each provide a different refreshing feeling that fit specific moods but I generally prefer a malty beer with less hops that's not too heavy and not too light. A nice light brown color with a moderately nutty flavor hits the spot on most occasions for me. My favorites are New Belgium products, Blue Moon products, Deschutes Brewery products, Rogue Brewery products and Samuel Adams products are slowly growing on me. My single favorite beer would have to be a simple ice cold Rolling Rock on a humid day.

To whom it may concern, I look forward to this journey and exploration of describing my beer adventures that I am about to embark on. I sincerely hope you do as well.

-Douglas B Weil

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