Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Bitch Creek

There are very few things that I appreciate as much as beer, and consider myself a connoisseur of the field: playgrounds, cheeseburgers, and hiking routes are a few. However, front porches are a hidden passion of mine. As weird as it may sound, whenever I see one, I just want to run up to it and take a seat, feel the aura or the Feng Shui if you will. While tonight I didn't have a porch I did have a roof, and sitting out on my special lady friend's roof while sipping away at this beer was a real treat.
Today was very warm, but has really cooled down tonight, making it good weather for any kind of beer. This summer I've been fixated on lighter beers because it's been pretty warm and muggy. Because of the break from the heat tonight, I decided to kick the blonde, pilsner, and other lager tendency to go with a new, heavier beer.
After browsing the lovely beer library known affectionately as Hilly's, I knew I had to try this beer from the Grand Teton Brewing Company once I saw the name. I know, I know, how consumerist of me to be suckered in by the marketing on the bottle, but with a name like Bitch Creek, can you blame me?
This ale is an ESB from the beautiful city of Jackson Hole(which a little tid-bit, is truly a natural beauty of a town. I've been there once when I was younger, and did not posses the appreciation for nature that I have know, but remember it being a very unique mountain town. There are very few places now a days where you have to change your run path because there's a buffalo in the middle of your path). It was quite delicious, at first it didn't have the typical bitter taste that one would expect from an ESB. But as I sat on the roof, listening to the minor league baseball game off in the distance, I could feel the bitterness begin to slowly gnaw it's prescience on to my taste buds, yet change to a strong malty, smooth finish. Bitch Creek was quite an interesting brew, because with each sip it showed its true flavor more, and more. I liken the ale to that guy/girl that you grew up with who always seemed alright, but didn't talk much. But once you got into a rare situation where you were one-on-one with the shy guy/gal, and really started to open up, they ended being an incredibly deep and interesting person.

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