Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Laurelwood Porter

For some reason last night, I was really feeling like a darker beer. I think it may have had to do with the weather, it was a little colder than usual, so I needed a little more substance to help keep me warm. Sounds like a good excuse. I enjoyed this brew at a weekly occasion that I haven't been to in a while, Sam Bonds free Bingo. This was a big event for us beermigos, week in and week out. So much so that Douglas and I went on Tom and Scott's (the hosts of Bingo) yearly trip to the Enchanted Forrest.

The porter was pretty standard in looks and smell; very dark, non-transparent, light brown head. The first sip was quite heavy in a pure coffee taste, but it diminished as I drank the rest of the pint. What I found most surprising however, was that the beer was quite crisp and not heavy at all. Very well done by the folks at Laurelwood up in Portland.

As much as I enjoyed my beer, the night of bingo was possibly, for a lack of better terms, the biggest cock tease ever. I was one space away four different games, twice it was O 72 and both times they called O 73! And then, to top it all off, I guessed a can of Spam for "What's in the Nut?" and Scott claimed he didn't here me, and some jerk off yelled spam and won. BLASPHEMY! Oh well, I guess it is just spam.

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